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A Beginner's Guide to Starting a Skincare Routine

A Beginner's Guide to Starting a Skincare Routine

A Beginner's Guide to Starting a Skincare Routine



Building a skincare routine from scratch can feel daunting and overwhelming. Beyond selecting the right products, learning the order of when to apply them is also important. For a beginner, you might not know where to start. That’s why we’re providing a step-by-step guide for starting a skincare routine; one that is easy enough for beginners to follow. 

Hey – no shame, man! We all have to start somewhere, and it’s a good choice to start here, at Disco. 🕺

A Beginner’s Guide to Starting a Skincare Routine

Step 1: Identify your Skin Problems & Skin Type 

Step 2: Face Cleanser

Step 3: Face Moisturizer

Step 4: Eye Cream

Step 5: Skincare for Shaving

Step 6: SPF

Step 1: Identify your Skin Problems and Skin Type

Identifying any existing skin problems and your skin type is the essential first step in the process of starting a skincare routine. The path to finding solutions starts with addressing we have problems in the first place – this goes for skin, too! 😏

Aging skin looks very different from the skin of a 21-year-old, so a good starting point is classifying yourself in an age range. Let’s use 3 classes here:

  • 25 and younger
  • 25 - 35 
  • 35+ 

If you belong to the first class of gentlemen, you likely haven’t experienced any major skin problems yet, unless you suffered from hormonal acne during puberty. 😔

In this age group, you’ll want to focus your skincare routine on basic maintenance, and preventative care for anti-aging.

If you belong to the second class, you have likely started to experience the first signs of aging on your face. Fine lines, wrinkles, dry skin, oily skin, etc., are all problems you could be experiencing. Moisturizing and exfoliation are key if you are struggling with getting your complexion under control.

In the last class of gentlemen, you’ll want to focus on reparative and regenerative products that prevent future skin damage and repair fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, and more. Anti-aging solutions are key here. 

Next, you must identify your skin type. The best method for doing so is to examine your T-zone (the area around your forehead, nose, and chin) and your cheeks. If all areas feel dry with little oil, and you are prone to peeling skin, you have dry skin. If all areas feel oily and acne-prone, you have oily skin. If you feel a bit of a combination, you belong to the combination skin category. If your skin is easily irritated and reacts to new products, weather, and chafing, you have sensitive skin. 

Check out our full guides on each of these skin types here: 

Step 2: Start with a Face Cleanser

Now that you’ve identified what you’re working with, you can start to build your skincare routine piece by piece. 

Cleansing is the starting point for any skincare routine. Just like you wash the body regularly, you need to consistently cleanse the skin on the face. When you don’t do this, oil and bacteria can build up, leading to clogged and large pores, acne, and redness.

Additionally, using soap or cleanser on the face that is intended for the body can be very damaging to the delicate skin on the face. Body washes and soaps tend to have harmful chemicals in them, which can lead to irritation, redness, and flaky skin. It’s essential to select a Face Cleanser that is designed specifically for washing the face, and that works with your skin type.

If you have dry skin, your Face Cleanser should incorporate nourishing and moisturizing ingredients in it so as to not dry out your face even further. The skin exudes natural oils, and stripping these with harsh products can dry out the skin and make it feel uncomfortable and irritated. Look for cleansers that include ingredients like Aloe, Hyaluronic Acid, and Coconut Oil

If you have oily skin, your Face Cleanser should effectively absorb excess oil, while clearing pores of dirt and bacteria. Charcoal is a perfect ingredient for this very purpose, as well as Phytic Acid, Bentonite Clay, and Tea Tree Oil

Overall, you should begin your skincare routine with a proper cleanser. Cleansing should be done every morning and every night, even if you don’t follow up with the rest of your skincare routine! Using a Face Cleanser regularly will help you rinse your face of the day’s muck, bacteria, and oils.

Step 3: Follow up with a Face Moisturizer

Cleansing the face can sometimes strip the skin of moisture and oils, and following up with a Face Moisturizer helps restore moisture and hydration to the face. 

Skin can become dry from the weather, using harsh products, sweating, swimming, or simply going about your day! Your face holds a natural moisture barrier that naturally becomes distressed every single day as you sweat and maintain homeostasis. That’s why moisturizing is so important: by restoring the moisture barrier, you ensure the skin is hydrated and calm, preventing the development of premature wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots, and blemishes. 

Make sure your Face Moisturizer incorporates a formula that does more than just hydrate the skin. Ingredients like Niacinamide (a form of Vitamin B3), Vitamin C, and Vitamin E can help boost skin complexion by fading dark spots, evening skin texture, and smoothing fine and wrinkles. Get the most out of your products!

Step 4: Don’t forget the eyes!

The eyes are the windows to the soul, so it’s key to put some extra TLC into them when you can. If you’re struggling with dark circles, undereye bags, fine lines, and Crow’s Feet (those fine lines around the eye area, AKA smile lines), it’s time to incorporate an eye cream into your skincare routine.

We recommend using an eye serum even if you don’t struggle with these skin ailments. The skin under and around your eyes is the thinnest and most delicate kind of skin on the entire body. It deserves a specifically formulated product to care for it. 

Use an eye serum at night or in the morning following your Face Moisturizer, to ensure the delicate skin around the eyes is taken care of, and preventing against visible signs of aging. Look for ingredients like Niacinamide, Caffeine, Pycnogenol, and Vitamin C, as these all contribute to brighter, more nourished, and radiant skin, while being safe on sensitive skin. 

Step 5: The Correct Shaving Routine for Better Skin

Shaving and facial hair care are one of the top distinctions when it comes to building a skincare routine for men, as opposed to women. Whether you struggle to grow a beard, or you rock the lumberjack look, taking care of your skin pre-and post-shave is essential to avoiding razor burn, irritation, redness, and even painful ingrown hairs. 

Exfoliating is key before shaving. Skin builds up dead skin cells, dirt, and other particles over time that can become stuck in pores. Exfoliating with an all-natural Face Scrub will slough off those dead skin cells, leaving the skin smooth and clear afterward. 

After shaving, ensure you are using a moisturizing after-shave or balm. If you don’t have one handy, a Hydrating Face Moisturizer will do the trick. We love ours from Disco because it gives that fresh after-shave scent with rejuvenating Eucalyptus, while delivering vital vitamins back into the skin like Vitamin C, and Aloe. 

Step 6: Never forget SPF

The last, if not most important – step to a skincare routine is applying SPF. Sun damage is the top concern when it comes to skincare. Without protecting the skin from harmful UV rays (that can also be emitted from your computer screen!), all other skincare products are useless. Protect the money-maker, and ensure you’re getting the most out of the rest of your skincare routine. 

When selecting a sunblock or sunscreen, make sure to check the ingredient list. Sunscreens can be full of chemicals and other sketchy ingredients. Keep an eye out for mineral-based sunscreen, and ingredients like Zinc Oxide and Aloe, and make sure your SPF is at least 15. 

Our Moisturizing Mineral Sun Block with SPF 30 is a great option for this step of building your skincare routine. Formulated with 20% Zinc Oxide, you can ensure your skin is getting powerful protection against UV rays. We also added Niacinamide and Tripeptide, that moisturize the skin and promote collagen production. Collagen is important because it keeps you looking young! So overall, you’re getting the most bang for your buck. 

Final Thoughts

Building a skincare routine doesn’t have to be daunting, full of trial-and-error, or expensive. 

As a beginner, remember that skincare is a journey, not an overnight fix. Consistency is key when maintaining healthy skin and repairing existing skin damage. Think of it like brushing your teeth every day. 

Overall, stick to all-natural options, and pay attention to what your skin needs. You can flag this list when building your skincare routine to ensure you’re checking all of the boxes when it comes to taking care of your skin. 

Check out the Disco Skincare Bible here, for more information on building your skincare routine and identifying your skin type. 


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